Pat Boone Change your Water, Change your Life

Dr Michael explains Kangen Water

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Dr Sean, a board certified naturopath who has helped over 6000 patients improve their quality of life, introduced me to this special Kangen water 3 years ago.

He told me if you change 75% of what your body is made of, you can change anything.
This water is used by 5 of the healthiest, longest living cultures in the world.
It's the only water ionizer in the world that is an approved medical device and used in over 200 hospitals in Japan; the only water ionizer in the USA that has received the exclusive gold seal of certification by the Water Control Association.

Dr Sean studied water devices for 2 years before choosing Kangen for himself, family and patients.

The doctor that developed the stunt and polyps test for colon tests recommend Kangen water to their patients. 
www.4hydration.net Dr Sean Runcorn, NP, MH, CNHP

This video is a great place to start and learn all about Kangen water: 

Tomatoes cleaned in strong Kangen water.  
Chlorine & Pesticides washed off.